Friday, September 11, 2009

Today, Surgery....

Well they took her back at 0830. They anticipated 1st hour to be just getting all the appropriate lines (IV's, etc) and anesthesia started. They came with the 1st report around 1030. They said all the line access needed had been established, and things well with anesth. That the incision down her chest had just been made. They anticipate that the actually surgery from incision point will be 5-7 hours. They will intend to do the Glenn Shunt and remove the old BT shunt. These 2 things I know for sure. There will be many other decisions/ possible procedures made once they are inside and are able to evaluate the heart up close.
The 2nd update was around 1245. They stated she was on bypass machine, things going smoothly. That the doctor was doing a muscle resection of the right ventricle (" due to overgrowth").... don't ask what that means.... cause I really don't know what that is all about.
Basically the "charge nurse" must go from room to room trying to get and idea of what is going on. She is the one who comes to us with a report. Really not knowing much more than the basics. So not a great resource person for any questions.

thats about it for now. Lots of family here for support and I know there are many of you out there praying for our girl. Thanks .... will keep you updated

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