Thursday, April 23, 2009

Surgery Update 04/23 1000 AM

They took our sweet baby Abigail to surgery about 0700 AM. They expected anesthesia preparation to take 1- 1/2 hours to put in tubes and lines in prior to the surgeons starting their procedure. Just got update from CV Surgery Charge Nurse at 10 am. They did incision under right arm (thoracotomy). Everything going well so far. They have made 1st connection of shunt and will start the second connection now. Plan for 1 1/2 hours more. When Surgery completed she will be transferred to CVICU (cardiovascular ICU) where she will be for a couple of days to a week or so before being transferred to another floor.
I just met another mother, Jessica, of a heart baby here in the waiting room. She is here with her 6 month old daughter, Autumn, who is here for her 2nd heart surgery (the Glenn Shunt, which is hopefully Abigail's next surgery). Her daughter has already had the BT Shunt, was here for about two weeks after that procedure and has been home since, growing well and strong. So what a great motivational story for us to hear while waiting through this first surgery. We will keep her in our prayers too and thank her for her inspiring words. She gave us a website to check out: is another website we have found based in Houston that has been helpful to us.

Will keep everyone updated as I can.. WE thank you all for your prayers and thoughts sent our way!!

Thanks Holly


  1. Holly
    The other day when we visited I was praying you would meet someone (maybe another parent ) who would be resourceful and supportive during this difficult time for your family and my prayers were answered . God is continuing to heal Abigail and guiding those who are taking care of her .

    God is Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care and stay strong in the word of God .


  2. Hi Holly and family,
    John and I have been checking each day to see the latest on Abigail. We are so thankful that she is progressing and that you are out of NICU! That is a giant step toward going home. You 4 are a beautiful family, and I know that God will continue to watch over you all. We will continue to pray for Abigail to grow and increase in strength each day, and for all the family to have patience and faith through everything.
    With much hope for a healthy future,
    Cheryl and John Lewis
